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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Did You Know? 3 Beautiful Flowers That Kill In Horrific Ways.

1.Kalmia latifoli, Kalmia latifolia, more commonly known as mountain laurel, produces delicate pink and white flowers in the late spring. It’s the state flower of both Pennsylvania and Connecticut, and it grows just about everywhere in the eastern United States. It’s gorgeous, but underneath that dainty exterior beats the heart of a murderer. The two main toxins inKalmia latifoliaare andromedotoxin and arbutin, but it’s the first one that you need to worry about. Andromedotoxin simultaneously causes part of the heart to beat quickly and part to beat dangerously slowly. In healthy people, the heart has a natural gate that blocks half of the electrical pulses coming to the organ. The toxin induces Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, which disrupts that gate, letting all the pulses reach your heart. The result? Sudden cardiac death. But that only happens with large doses. In smaller doses, you can expect to start with a lot of vomiting, after which every hole in your head will leak its fluidsdown your face. About an hour later, your breathing will slow down, you’ll lose the ability to use your muscles, and you’ll slip into a coma and die. The terrifying part is that you don’t have to eat the flowers— honey from beesthat have visitedKalmia latifoliacontains all the toxic properties of the flower itself. The Greeks called it “ mad honey,” and they used it to defeat Xenophon of Athens in 400 B.C. 2.Veratrum, Found on nearly every mountain in the Northern Hemisphere,Veratrumspecies put out gorgeous spiral clusters of white, heart-shaped flowers. The plant is commonly grown for ornamental purposes because even the leaves look pretty, and in the wild, it’s commonly confused with garlic. But pretty or not, every piece of this plant, from the roots to the pistils, is lethally toxic. The first symptom of Veratrum poisoning is violent stomach cramping, which usually starts about 30 minutes after ingestion. As the toxins absorb into the bloodstream, they make a beeline for the sodium ion channels. Sodium ion channels act like gates to allow sodium to flow through nerves, triggering an action. For example, the opening of sodium ion channels in muscle cells starts the process that leads to a muscle contraction. WhenVeratrum toxins hit the sodium ion channels, they open the floodgates, forcing the channels to fire continuously. The body doesn’t know what to do with this, so the heart begins to alternately slow and speed up. Muscles all over the body convulse. Eventually, the toxin either causes a heart attack or a coma. It’s believed that this is the poison that killed Alexander the Great. 3.Zantedeschia The gorgeous perennial Zantedeschia has been introduced to every continent but Antarctica and is a staple in ornamental gardens. It’s often called a calla lily, even though it’s not even remotely related to lilies and doesn’t look anything like one. The bright, tube-shaped flowers can be a variety of colors. Zantedeschia species contain calcium oxalate, a chemical that forms needle-like crystals inside internal organs. More than 1,000 types of plants contain calcium oxalate, and Zantedeschia is one of the most dangerous, partly because it’s so widespread. Even a tiny dose of the chemical is enough to cause a person’s throat to swell, usually along with an intense burning feeling. The more you eat, the worse the symptoms become, until your throat swells so large it squeezes your airways shut. In one incident, a Chinese restaurantaccidentally put the flower petals from a toxic plant into their food, putting everyone who ate it in the hospital.

Top 9 Amazing Benefits Derived From Coffee.

1.Lower Mortality At least five-hitter of surveys reveal that drinking occasional is related to a diminished risk of mortality in men and girls. for instance, an extended and large-scale survey, that studied over four hundred,000 people, discovered that a lot of occasional the boys drink, the lower is their risk of mortality. By the survey results, men World Health Organization drank two to three cups of occasional on a daily basis, showed a ten p.c lower risk of mortality and people those that had four to five cups on a daily basis showed even lower indicator, i.e. by 12%. usurping half dozen or a lot of cups on a daily basis, diminished mortality by another ten p.c. As for girls, the figures square measure to a small degree higher in women; they\'re plagued by such parameters as age, body fat, race, education, and mode factors. 2. Improves Cholesterol Balance The coffee contains antioxidants which can balance the level of total cholesterol, increase “good” HDL cholesterol and lower heart disease-related inflammation. In one of the studies, coffee drinkers were asked to raise their coffee intake to 4 and then to 8 cups a day. This dose improved the ratio between “bad” LDL and HDL cholesterol by more than 8 percent. 3.Decreases Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome is one of the most serious and very common health problems in the world; it can increase risks of heart failure and diabetes. Coffee drinking is good for fat burning and it potentially affects the body composition and lowers the diabetes risk. 4.Happy reproductive systems Many studies have shown that regular drinking of coffee can lower the risk of prostate cancer in men and risk of endometrial cancer in women. In 2011, one of the surveys found that the men who consumed over 6 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of prostate cancer by almost 20 percent. As for women, a study published in Journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention showed that women who had more than 4 cups of coffee a day lowered risk of endometrial cancer by almost 25 percent. 5.Vascular Health Several studies showed that caffeine in coffee can improve the health of the blood vessels as it increases nitric oxide production in the endothelium and the letter improves vascular muscle tone. Coffee also maintains healthy arterial pressure and lowers the blood pressure over the long-term. Even though drinking caffeinated coffee can increase short-term acute blood pressure, it will return to normal after the caffeine is metabolized. 6.Caffeine can make you stronger Sports scientists tested caffeine supplements on athletic performance and found that if you get the right dose of pre-workout caffeine (as a supplement, because the necessary dose of caffeine intake would be 6 to 9 cups for a 90 kg athlete) your athletic performance will be much higher. The studies show that caffeine acts directly on the muscles and generates more power and strength. 7.Improves Body Composition & facilitates Fat Burning There is much evidence that coffee can increase your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories, shifting the body to burn fat instead of glucose for energy. Besides, coffee can reduce blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. In the recent past, the fat loss effect of coffee has not been studied extensively, but one study found that drinking 500 ml of coffee a day during one month produced 2.5 kg weight loss. The most effective is probably a green coffee extract, which comes from an unroasted coffee and may be added to any beverage. They say it can produce significant fat loss, e.g. one study revealed that a high-dose of green coffee extract will lead to minus 8 kg and 4.4 percent of body fat in only a month, very impressive, isn’t it? 8. Brain Gain Some of the studies suggest that moderate coffee drinking (1 to 5 cups daily) may reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as Parkinson’s disease. The fact is that coffee contains antioxidants which may prevent some of the brain cells from damage. ¬Preliminary studies have reported that this lowers the ¬incidence of glioma – one of the forms of brain cancer. 9.Liver friendly This issue has not been extensively studied, however one in all the studies showed that significant occasional drinkers had the lower incidence of cirrhosis of the liver and alternative liver diseases. Analysis of 9 studies on the matter discovered that each 2-cup increase of daily consumption of occasional resulted in forty third lower risk of liver disease. potential reason being: the caffein and antioxidants in occasional prevents liver inflammation and development of cancer cells.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Geekblogng | Tech News | Blogging Tips | Mobile Tips | Applications: Top Paying Adsense Keywords For 2014

| Tech News | Blogging Tips | Mobile Tips | Applications: Top Paying
Adsense Keywords For 2014
: Make this 2014 for yourself if you
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Thursday 3 April 2014

tobechispeaks: 10 commandment of mourinho

10 commandment of mourinho
: He needs no introduction.
Mourinho is a popular name in the game of soccer.the self proclaimed
"special one" is known for controve...

Thursday 27 March 2014

Best Of Johnny

Teacher: If you have 10 doughnuts and someone asks for two, how many do you have left? Johnny: 10 doughnuts. Teacher {understanding how naughty Akpos could be}: Well what if the person forcefully takes two doughnuts, what do you have left? Johnny: 10 doughnuts and 1 dead body.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

A Short Story.

I was angry at my father as I sat on a stool nearby and watched Mama-Ijesa fan the embers of whatever local food she was cooking with her plastic fan just twenty feet outside the mud-house under the shed. I was even angrier at my Yoruba teacher, Miss Adebayo,that black tall thin ugly woman! I thought of how her lips, parted everytime she talked,to reveal the humongous front teeth she had. I had planned my entire holiday perfectly. I would spend two weeks with my super-cool cousins Tunde and Lanre in Abuja. And then take Chika out on her birthday to a cinema where I would kiss her for the very first time,despite dating for two years. But Miss Adebayo was obviously bent on destroying my life. On the day we had all been waiting to get our end-of-term report sheets,we were all seated in our class,SSS 3 A,awaiting Mr Olowe to come announce each person's result details publicly as he always did. That never bothered me,since I was a straight A student anyway. I even took joy in hearing him announce as my result always wowed my mates and floored theirs. But this time around,he was taking too long. Miss Adebayo walked into the class,walking majestically with her square shoulders high,the trousers of her dark blue suit perfectly highlighted her lack off curves or shapes. She never smiled. I was very relieved because I wouldn't have to see her teeth. "Read More"