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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

A Short Story.

I was angry at my father as I sat on a stool nearby and watched Mama-Ijesa fan the embers of whatever local food she was cooking with her plastic fan just twenty feet outside the mud-house under the shed. I was even angrier at my Yoruba teacher, Miss Adebayo,that black tall thin ugly woman! I thought of how her lips, parted everytime she talked,to reveal the humongous front teeth she had. I had planned my entire holiday perfectly. I would spend two weeks with my super-cool cousins Tunde and Lanre in Abuja. And then take Chika out on her birthday to a cinema where I would kiss her for the very first time,despite dating for two years. But Miss Adebayo was obviously bent on destroying my life. On the day we had all been waiting to get our end-of-term report sheets,we were all seated in our class,SSS 3 A,awaiting Mr Olowe to come announce each person's result details publicly as he always did. That never bothered me,since I was a straight A student anyway. I even took joy in hearing him announce as my result always wowed my mates and floored theirs. But this time around,he was taking too long. Miss Adebayo walked into the class,walking majestically with her square shoulders high,the trousers of her dark blue suit perfectly highlighted her lack off curves or shapes. She never smiled. I was very relieved because I wouldn't have to see her teeth. "Read More"






Larry Frank 27 February 2014 at 03:42
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Larry Frank 27 February 2014 at 03:45

Lengthy Write-Up, still cool, this should be your most lengthy article i guess?

Unknown 12 June 2014 at 05:33

yeah thanks larry frank.

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